Full updated list available via Google Scholar

Publications at UNC-Asheville (bolded names represent undergraduate students at UNCA):

(1) coming soon!

Previous publications:

(43) Justin Neu, Stephanie Samson, Kan Ding, Jeromy James Rech, Harald Ade, and Wei You. “Oligo(ethylene glycol) Side Chain Architecture Enables Alcohol-Processable Conjugated Polymers for Organic Solar Cells.” Macromolecules, 2023, 56 (5), 2092-2103. Link

(42) Melodi Charles, Brianne Edwards, Eshwar Ravishankar, John Calero, Reece Henry, Jeromy Rech, Carole Saravitz, Wei You, Harald Ade, Brendan O’Connor, and Heike Sederoff. “Emergent molecular traits of lettuce and tomato grown under wavelength-selective solar cells.” Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14, 1087707. Link

(a) previously published at https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.03.10.482833

(41) Fei Liu, Ryan S. Kingsbury, Jeromy J. Rech, Wei You, and Orlando Coronell. “Effect of osmotic ballast properties on the performance of a concentration gradient battery.” Water Research, 2022, 212, 118076. Link

(40) Sara Marina, Edgar Gutierrez-Fernandez, Junkal Gutierrez, Marco Gobbi, Nicolás Ramos, Eduardo Solano, Jeromy Rech, Wei You, Luis Hueso, Agnieszka Tercjak, Harald Ade, and Jaime Martin. “Semi-paracrystallinity in semi-conducting polymers.” Materials Horizons, 2022, 9, 1196-1206. Link

(a) previously published at https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.15650

(b) honored as Materials Horizons 2022 Outstanding Paper Award winner

(39) Nrup Balar, Jeromy James Rech, Salma Siddika, Runqiao Song, Harry M Schrickx, Nadeem Sheikh, Long Ye, Anthony Megret Bonilla, Omar Awartani, Harald Ade, Wei You, and Brendan T O’Connor. “Resolving the Molecular Origin of Mechanical Relaxations in Donor–Acceptor Polymer Semiconductors.” Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32 (4), 2105597. Link

(38) Harry M Schrickx, Pratik Sen, Ronald E Booth, Ali Altaqui, Jacob Burleson, Jeromy J Rech, Jin‐Woo Lee, Melike Biliroglu, Kenan Gundogdu, Bumjoon J Kim, Wei You, Michael W Kudenov, and Brendan T O’Connor. “Ultra-High Alignment of Polymer Semiconductor Blends Enabling Photodetectors with Exceptional Polarization Sensitivity.” Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32 (2), 2105820. Link

(37) Ali Altaqui, Harry Schrickx, Pratik Sen, Lingshan Li, Jeromy Rech, Jin-Woo Lee, Nrup Balar, Wei You, Bumjoon J Kim, Michael Escuti, Robert Kolbas, Brendan T O’Connor, and Michael Kudenov. “Bio-inspired spectropolarimetric sensor based on tandem organic photodetectors and multi-twist liquid crystals.” Optics Express, 2021, 29 (26), 43953-43969. Link

(36) Jeromy James Rech, Justin Neu, Yunpeng Qin, Stephanie Samson, Jordan Shanahan, Richard F Josey III, Harald Ade, and Wei You. “Designing Simple Conjugated Polymers for Scalable and Efficient Organic Solar Cells.” ChemSusChem, 2021, 14 (17), 3561-3568. Link

(a) honored as a VIP (Very Important Paper)

(35) Eshwar Ravishankar, Melodi Charles, Yuan Xiong, Reece Henry, Jennifer Swift, Jeromy Rech, John Calero, Sam Cho, Ronald E Booth, Taesoo Kim, Alex H Balzer, Yunpeng Qin, Carr Hoi Yi Ho, Franky So, Natalie Stingelin, Aram Amassian, Carole Saravitz, Wei You, Harald Ade, Heike Sederoff, and Brendan T O’Connor. “Balancing crop production and energy harvesting in organic solar-powered greenhouses.” Cell Reports Physical Science, 2021, 2 (3), 100381. Link

(34) Ali Altaqui, Pratik Sen, Harry Schrickx, Jeromy Rech, Jin-Woo Lee, Michael Escuti, Wei You, Bumjoon J Kim, Robert Kolbas, Brendan T O’Connor, and Michael Kudenov. “Mantis shrimp–inspired organic photodetector for simultaneous hyperspectral and polarimetric imaging.” Science Advances, 2021, 7 (10), eabe3196. Link

(33) Harald Ade Masoud Ghasemi, Nrup Balar, Zhengxing Peng, Huawei Hu, Yunpeng Qin, Taesoo Kim, Jeromy J. Rech, Matthew Bidwell, Walker Mask, Iain McCulloch, Wei You, Aram Amassian, Chad Risko, and Brendan T. O’Connor. “A molecular interaction–diffusion framework for predicting organic solar cell stability.” Nature Materials, 2021, 20, 525-532. Link

(32) Washat Ware, Tia Wright, Yimin Mao, Shubo Han, Jessa Guffie, Evgeny O Danilov, Jeromy Rech, Wei You, Zhiping Luo, and Bhoj Gautam. “Aggregation Controlled Charge Generation in Fullerene Based Bulk Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells: Effect of Additive.” Polymers, 2021, 13 (1), 115. Link

(31) Huawei Hu, Masoud Ghasemi, Zhengxing Peng, Jianquan Zhang, Jeromy James Rech, Wei You, He Yan, and Harald Ade. “The Role of Demixing and Crystallization Kinetics on the Stability of Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells.” Advanced Materials, 2020, 32 (49), 2005348. Link

(30) Shuixing Dai, Jiadong Zhou, Tsz-Ki Lau, Jeromy James Rech, Kuan Liu, Peiyao Xue, Zengqi Xie, Xinhui Lu, Wei You, and Xiaowei Zhan. “Effects of Fluorination Position on Fused-Ring Electron Acceptors.” Small Structures, 2020, 1 (2), 2000006. Link

(29) Yiqun Xiao, Ruijie Ma, Guodong Zhou, Jingshuai Zhu, Tsz-Ki Lau, Shuixing Dai, Jeromy James Rech, Ni Zhao, Wei You, He Yan, Xiaowei Zhan, and Xinhui Lu. “Ternary Blending Driven Molecular Reorientation of Non-Fullerene Acceptor IDIC with Backbone Order.” ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2020, 3 (11), 10814-10822. Link

(28) Stephanie Samson, Jeromy Rech, Lorena Perdigon-Toro, Zhengxing Peng, Safa Shoaee, Harald Ade, Dieter Neher, Martin Stolterfoht, and Wei You. “Organic Solar Cells with Large Insensitivity to Donor Polymer Molar Mass across All Acceptor Classes.” ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2020, 2 (11), 5300-5308. Link

(27) Jeromy James Rech, Liang Yan, Zhen Wang, Qianqian Zhang, Spencer Bradshaw, Harald Ade, and Wei You. “Functionalization of Benzotriazole-Based Conjugated Polymers for Solar Cells: Heteroatom vs Substituents.” ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2020, 3 (1), 30-41. Link

(a) featured as cover art

(26) Nrup Balar, Salma Siddika, Somayeh Kashani, Zhengxing Peng, Jeromy James Rech, Long Ye, Wei You, Harald Ade, and Brendan T O’Connor. “Role of Secondary Thermal Relaxations in Conjugated Polymer Film Toughness.” Chemistry of Materials, 2020, 32 (15), 6540-6549. Link

(25) Carr Hoi Yi Ho, Taesoo Kim, Yuan Xiong, Yuliar Firdaus, Xueping Yi, Qi Dong, Jeromy J Rech, Abay Gadisa, Ronald Booth, Brendan T O’Connor, Aram Amassian, Harald Ade, Wei You, Thomas D Anthopoulos, and Franky So. “High-Performance Tandem Organic Solar Cells Using HSolar as the Interconnecting Layer.” Advanced Energy Materials, 2020, 10 (25), 2000823. Link

(24) Guilong Cai, Yiqun Xiao, Mengyang Li, Jeromy James Rech, Jiayu Wang, Kuan Liu, Xinhui Lu, Zheng Tang, Jiarong Lian, Pengju Zeng, Yiping Wang, Wei You, and Xiaowei Zhan. “Effects of linking units on fused-ring electron acceptor dimers.” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8 (27), 13735-13741. Link

(23) Qianqian Zhang, Jeromy James Rech, Liang Yan, Quanbin Liang, Zhengxing Peng, Harald Ade, Hongbin Wu, and Wei You. “Effect of Cyano Substitution on Conjugated Polymers for Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells.” ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2019, 1 (12), 3313-3322. Link

(22) Jeromy J Rech, Liang Yan, Zhengxing Peng, Shuixing Dai, Xiaowei Zhan, Harald Ade, and Wei You. “Utilizing Difluorinated Thiophene Units To Improve the Performance of Polymer Solar Cells.” Macromolecules, 2019, 52 (17), 6523-6532. Link

(21) Nrup Balar, Jeromy James Rech, Reece Henry, Long Ye, Harald Ade, Wei You, and Brendan T O’Connor. “The Importance of Entanglements in Optimizing the Mechanical and Electrical Performance of All-Polymer Solar Cells.” Chemistry of Materials, 2019, 31 (14), 5124-5132. Link

(20) Uli Würfel, Lorena Perdigón-Toro, Jona Kurpiers, Christian M Wolff, Pietro Caprioglio, Jeromy James Rech, Jingshuai Zhu, Xiaowei Zhan, Wei You, Safa Shoaee, Dieter Neher, and Martin Stolterfoht. “Recombination between Photogenerated and Electrode-Induced Charges Dominates the Fill Factor Losses in Optimized Organic Solar Cells.” The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2019, 10 (12), 3473-3480. Link

(19) Masoud Ghasemi, Huawei Hu, Zhengxing Peng, Jeromy James Rech, Indunil Angunawela, Joshua H Carpenter, Samuel J Stuard, Andrew Wadsworth, Iain McCulloch, Wei You, and Harald Ade. “Delineation of Thermodynamic and Kinetic Factors that Control Stability in Non-fullerene Organic Solar Cells.” Joule, 2019, 3 (5), 1328-1348. Link

(18) Huawei Hu, Long Ye, Masoud Ghasemi, Nrup Balar, Jeromy James Rech, Samuel J Stuard, Wei You, Brendan T O’Connor, and Harald Ade. “Highly Efficient, Stable, and Ductile Ternary Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells from a Two-Donor Polymer Blend.” Advanced Materials, 2019, 31 (17), 1808279. Link

(17) Zheng Chen, Liang Yan, Jeromy James Rech, Jun Hu, Qianqian Zhang, and Wei You. “Green-Solvent-Processed Conjugated Polymers for Organic Solar Cells: The Impact of Oligoethylene Glycol Side Chains.” ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2019, 1 (4), 804-814. Link

(16) Nicole Bauer, Qianqian Zhang, Jeromy James Rech, Shuixing Dai, Zhengxing Peng, Harald Ade, Jiayu Wang, Xiaowei Zhan, and Wei You. “The impact of fluorination on both donor polymer and non-fullerene acceptor: The more fluorine, the merrier.” Nano Research, 2019, 12, 2400-2405. Link

(15) Joshua H Carpenter, Masoud Ghasemi, Eliot Gann, Indunil Angunawela, Samuel J Stuard, Jeromy James Rech, Earl Ritchie, Brendan T O’Connor, Joanna Atkin, Wei You, Dean M DeLongchamp, and Harald Ade. “Competition between Exceptionally Long-Range Alkyl Sidechain Ordering and Backbone Ordering in Semiconducting Polymers and Its Impact on Electronic and Optoelectronic Properties.” Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29 (5), 1806977. Link

(14) Pratik Sen, Ruonan Yang, Jeromy J Rech, Yuanxiang Feng, Carr Hoi Yi Ho, Jinsong Huang, Franky So, R Joseph Kline, Wei You, Michael W Kudenov, and Brendan T O’Connor. “Panchromatic All-Polymer Photodetector with Tunable Polarization Sensitivity.” Advanced Optical Materials, 2019, 7 (4), 1801346. Link

(13) Jeromy J Rech, Nicole Bauer, David Dirkes, Joseph Kaplan, Zhengxing Peng, Huotian Zhang, Long Ye, Shubin Liu, Feng Gao, Harald Ade, and Wei You. “The crucial role of end group planarity for fused-ring electron acceptors in organic solar cells.” Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 3 (8), 1642-1652. Link

(12) Yuan Xiong, Long Ye, Abay Gadisa, Qianqian Zhang, Jeromy James Rech, Wei You, and Harald Ade. “Revealing the Impact of F4-TCNQ as Additive on Morphology and Performance of High-Efficiency Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells.” Advanced Functional Materials, 2019, 29 (1), 1806262. Link

(11) Hongda Cao, Nicole Bauer, Chao Pang, Jeromy Rech, Wei You, and Paul A Rupar. “End-cap Group Engineering of a Small Molecule Non-Fullerene Acceptor: The Influence of Benzothiophene Dioxide.” ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2018, 1 (12), 7146-7152. Link

(10) Jiayu Wang, Yiqun Xiao, Wei Wang, Cenqi Yan, Jeromy Rech, Mingyu Zhang, Wei You, Xinhui Lu, and Xiaowei Zhan. “Pairing 1D/2D-conjugation donors/acceptors towards high-performance organic solar cells.” Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 3, 276-283. Link

(9) Dan He, Fuwen Zhao, Jingming Xin, Jeromy James Rech, Zhixiang Wei, Wei Ma, Wei You, Bao Li, Li Jiang, Yongfang Li, and Chunru Wang. “A Fused Ring Electron Acceptor with Decacyclic Core Enables over 13.5% Efficiency for Organic Solar Cells.” Advanced Energy Materials, 2018, 8 (30), 1802050. Link

(8) Shuixing Dai, Yiqun Xiao, Peiyao Xue, Jeromy James Rech, Kuan Liu, Zeyuan Li, Xinhui Lu, Wei You, and Xiaowei Zhan. “Effect of Core Size on Performance of Fused-Ring Electron Acceptors.” Chemistry of Materials, 2018, 30 (15), 5390-5396. Link

(7) Zhengxing Peng, Xuechen Jiao, Long Ye, Sunsun Li, Jeromy James Rech, Wei You, Jianhui Hou, and Harald Ade. “Measuring Temperature-Dependent Miscibility for Polymer Solar Cell Blends: An Easily Accessible Optical Method Reveals Complex Behavior.” Chemistry of Materials, 2018, 30 (12), 3943-3951. Link

(6) Peiyao Xue, Junxiang Zhang, Jingming Xin, Jeromy Rech, Tengfei Li, Kaixin Meng, Jiayu Wang, Wei Ma, Wei You, Seth R Marder, Ray PS Han, and Xiaowei Zhan. “Effects of Terminal Groups in Third Components on Performance of
Organic Solar Cells.” Acta Physico-Chimica Sinca, 2018, 35 (3), 275-283. Link

(5) Zeyuan Li, Shuixing Dai, Jingming Xin, Lin Zhang, Yang Wu, Jeromy Rech, Fuwen Zhao, Tengfei Li, Kuan Liu, Qiao Liu, Wei Ma, Wei You, Chun-Ru Wang, and Xiaowei Zhan. “Enhancing the performance of the electron acceptor ITIC-Th via tailoring its end groups.” Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2018, 2 (3), 537-543. Link

(4) Ting Li, Honghong Zhang, Zuo Xiao, Jeromy J. Rech, Helin Niu, Wei You, and Liming Ding. “A carbon–oxygen-bridged hexacyclic ladder-type building block for low-bandgap nonfullerene acceptors.” Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2018, 2 (4), 700-703. Link

(3) Jingshuai Zhu, Yang Wu, Jeromy Rech, Jiayu Wang, Kuan Liu, Tengfei Li, Yuze Lin, Wei Ma, Wei You, and Xiaowei Zhan. “Enhancing the performance of a fused-ring electron acceptor via extending benzene to naphthalene.” Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018, 6 (1), 66-71. Link

(2) Qianqian Zhang, Liang Yan, Xuechen Jiao, Zhengxing Peng, Shubin Liu, Jeromy James Rech, Erik Klump, Harald Ade, Franky So, and Wei You. “Fluorinated Thiophene Units Improve Photovoltaic Device Performance of Donor–Acceptor Copolymers.” Chemistry of Materials, 2017, 29 (14), 5990-6002. Link

(1) Jeromy J Rech, Samantha J Rinehart, Jacob Murray, Elizabeth Senese, James Rago, and Jason J Keleher. “Synthesis of Photocatalytic Biomimetic Nanocomposite for Enhanced Water Purification.” Journal of Water Pollution & Purification Research, 2016, 3 (2), 1-16. Link